Heather Oak Wood Products

Junction City, OR
(541) 998-1336

30010 Heather Oak Drive
Junction City, OR 97448
(541) 998-1336

For dry kiln operators, the problem is as old as the profession itself: ordinary wood kiln sticks warp and twist after just a few passes through the kiln, and vary as muchn as 1/4″ in thickness. They jam stickering machines, or become brittle and break during hand stacking.

It’s costly in terms of wasted materials and man-hours. In addition, kiln sticks can pass along that crookedness to the wood it separates.

Heather Oak “Long Life” Kiln Sticks alleviate many of the problems common to ordinary kiln sticks and do it for a substantially lower cost per turn.

How? The laminating process creates a kiln stick with superior strength, stiffness and uniformity. Knots and other wood defects are distributed throughout the piece so there are no concetrated areas of weakness to cause early breakage. And, because they are dried in manufacturing, they won’t shrink and they’ll last longer.

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